Building a more resilient workforce with you

Affordable and accessible end-to-end mental wellbeing solutions that helps organizations drive better employee performance, productivity and retention.

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In The News 

Asia-focused digital mental health company ThoughtFull raises US$4 million in Pre-Series A round, led by Temasek-owned Sheares Healthcare Group


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Hear From Our Clients

Penelope Gan

"Of the players in the market, we chose to work with ThoughtFull because they were able to deliver quality end-to-end mental healthcare seamlessly for both the employer and our employees. Importantly, their offering is delivered thoughtfully, something that is hard to replicate."

- Penelope Gan, Chief Human Resources Officer

AIA Logo
Andrea Sy

"Before partnering with ThoughtFull, we were exploring different mental health providers but didn't find one that was able to provide quality and impactful services to our team members like ThoughtFull."

- Andrea Sy, Head of Technology and Innovation & Employee Wellbeing Program Lead

Focus Global
Catherine Chia

"What stood out to us about ThoughtFull is that its services were digital, scalable, and readily accessible. Above all, it is the passion and commitment displayed by all the ThoughtFull team members that compels us to partner with them"

- Catherine Chia, Chief Human Resources Officer

Starhub Logo
Frederick Yang

"We were looking for innovative and cost-effective solutions to support our employees who were experiencing stress, burnout and other mental health issues and was introduced to ThoughtFull, a leading digital mental health provider which offers seamless, affordable and personalised end-to-end mental wellbeing support"

- Frederick Yang, Chief Happiness OfficerPDAX-logo-2

Dennis Boc

"With the exceptional convenience of accessing highly qualified mental health professionals along with data-driven insights, ThoughtFull has empowered us to effectively address our employees' varying wellbeing needs. Thanks to ThoughtFull, our employees experienced a genuine sense of care for their wellbeing within our management"

- Dennis Boc, People Development Directorgreat-deals-logo

Let's Talk About Your Organization

Immensely rewarding
If your organization has 500 employees...

125 Employees

are experiencing a mental health issue


33,500 Days

are lost every year due to employee sub-optimal mental health


30,000 Dollars

due to decreased productivity, based on average salary of $60K

Light Blue Dots

Why Workplace Mental Health Matters


Anxiety over uncertainties (health, security, job, future)


Stress is the #1 health risk factor among Asian employers

Financial loss

USD1 trillion global economic loss due to depression & anxiety

Mental Health

"Prevention Is Better Than Cure"

ThoughtFull's proactive prevention approach aims to build more resilient & productive workplaces

Prevention Is Better Than Cure



Daily functioning
houghtFullChat For Organizations

ThoughtFullChat For Organizations

How It Works



Educate employees about mental wellness and awareness



Create a psychologically safe space for engagement with one’s mental wellness



Empower employees to proactively engage with their mental wellness

Data Driven
& Measureable Outcomes

This is a significant milestone in not only breaking the stigma around mental health, but in empowering users to build positive habits for their mental health and general wellness.

of users have noticed positive changes since the usage of ThoughtFullChat.
see the benefits of working with a professional and have started to proactively engage with their mental health

What People Are Saying

I was Able To Learn
Thoughtfull Sessions
It Help Me To Communicate

healthier organization

Now it's your turn to take the next step towards a healthier organization and happier employees

Schedule a Demo or Have #AThoughtFullChat

Get a first-hand experience on how ThoughtFull delivers a seamless end-to-end mental healthcare personalized to your organizational needs or just reach out for a chat!  



ThoughtFull™ FAQs for Organizations

As an employer, how will my organization benefit from an employee mental health program?

At ThoughtFull, we work to cultivate a resilient and productive workforce through addressing workplace related stress and anxiety. We offer personalized, proactive and end-to-end mental wellbeing solutions that are seamless & affordable. Our program design also addresses stigma, psychological safety and continued engagement that is crucial to deliver great outcomes.

How can we measure the wellness program’s effectiveness?

Our clients will receive aggregated wellness outcomes, engagement and utilization rates of all employees. This provides insights to organizations while safeguarding employees’ trust.

Is there a mental health program suitable for management level?

Our wellbeing services provide personalised support to individuals at any level. All our Professionals are carefully vetted certified mental health professionals (counsellors and clinical psychologists) that are well equipped to handle a variety of concerns.

We also have programs that are designed specifically for leaders on cultivating a safe environment and supporting team members empathetically.

Is a digital mental health program better than having an in house coach / therapist?

ThoughtFull’s evidence based frameworks focus on preventative to crisis support using the latest clinical tools and analytics.

We have certified coaches in 16 locations that speak over 11 languages and dialects, covering over 30 different clinical specialities.

Our end-to end digital mental health services range from flexible daily bite-sized coaching to 1-on-1 therapy and a 24/7 hotline for psychological first aid that allows users to access the service anytime, anywhere.

Can we create programs tailored to our company?

Yes! We understand that every organization's needs and goals are different and are happy to curate a program to ensure effectiveness and personalisation.

Once subscribed, will we have the option to run on ground, in-person activities?

Yes, we take an organizational approach when designing our programs including off-app activation programs.

What kind of insights or reporting is provided to the organization?

Data privacy and confidentiality is critical to us. We provide our clients with an aggregated report every month. This report includes:

1. Utilization & engagement rates

2. Top concerns reported by employees

3. Emotional health insights