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ThoughtFull™ FAQs

Can I remain anonymous when using ThoughtFullChat?

Yes! You can choose to be identified by a nickname or preferred name of your choosing should you engage our services, your Professional will only have access to said nickname.

However, ThoughtFullChat as a platform requires an emergency contact’s information that will only be accessed if you or those around you are deemed to be in danger or harms’ way.

Is ThoughtFullChat 24/7?

You will have full access to the application and its tools as long as you are subscribed. Your ThoughtFull Professional will check-in daily with you Mon-Fri (except public holidays) as soon as they are available with our asynchronous system.

Please note that ThoughtFullChat is not a 24-hour crisis service.

Can I contact anyone through ThoughtFullChat in the event of a mental health emergency?

ThoughtFullChat does not provide a 24-hour crisis service. If you or any person is in danger or needs emergency support, please call your emergency hotline or head to the nearest hospital Emergency Room.

Can I contact my therapist outside of ThoughtFullChat?

The text based daily bite-sized coaching work by our professionals is exclusively conducted via our ThoughtFullChat application.

Besides that, ThoughtFull professionals do provide online/on-site therapy which users can opt for.

Can I contact ThoughtFull on behalf of a family member/friend to sign them up?

Yes. As long as it is consensual and the individual agrees, we are happy to help. We cannot force anyone to attend therapy or counselling against their will as it often requires a lot of personal strength and courage.

If you’d like to purchase it as a gift, we love that! Just email us at to purchase your gift of happiness.

Who do I contact in ThoughtFull regarding my subscription package?

We understand that needs may change over time depending on circumstance and we endeavour to be as flexible as possible.

If you’ve opted for our free trial, we don’t require your payment details and will not auto-renew upon the expiry of your free trial.

Within the application:

  • You may change your package or billing cycle

  • You may cancel your subscription at any time. Services will halt at the end of your subscription cycle, until renewal is initiated.